Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The War is Over

Zombies are overrated, and there's never really going to be a zombie apocalypse. But no one can deny they are still a lot of deadly fun.

Nazis on the other hand are not fun. Nor are they cool. Racism aside, a lot of people like nazis - or at least nazi imagery. Okay, so maybe they had some decent fashion tips, but that's really where the interest should end. This post isn't to comment on people who actually think the white race is superior (it's clearly not) or the fact that the nazis stole their symbols from the Vikings/Hindus/Buddhists and everywhere else. This post is about people thinking nazi stuff is cool. Which brings me to nazi zombies. Yes, the thought of dead nazis does make me smile, but why bring them back? Some things should just stay dead. Realistically (I use this term loosely here) killing a nazi zombie wouldn't be any different than killing any other. Zombies have no opinions (enter zombie rights groups). They are mindless, remember? However, seeing anyone wearing a swastika or SS armband or any other article of clothing would be enough to make me want to put two in their head...

Seriously, though, there is a lot of underground shit that glorifies nazis and nazi symbolism. People either forget, or don't care that their t-shirts/hats/handbags or whatever other stupid thing they may have nazi-fied and put on can not just offend others, but traumatize them. (Again: seeing anyone wearing a swastika or SS armband or any other article of clothing would be enough to make me want to put two in their head... ) The point is, nazis aren't cool, folks. Neither is Hitler. Adolf was just a whiny painter, and not even a good one one at that.  He was responsible for the death of six million Jews, as well as Romani, gays, the handicapped, POWs and people of other ethnicities in general.

Wear that on a t-shirt.


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